Growing MOR Amendments and Nurtrient Packs

We create premium products derived from waste streams to make the world a better, healthier, and cleaner place. 

All of our soil-based products contain our Nature Wise Compost. Our Nature Wise Compost is a combination of local food waste and recycled yard waste that decomposes over time through naturally occurring heat and decomposition. This makes Nature Wise a biologically active compost creating a world of food for any type of vegetation.

New soil science tells us that it takes time for compost to “diversify and integrate” into a mature soil. So, for good immediate results we’ve produced the Grow MOR Nutrient Pack. The ingredients we use “jump start” a rich diverse ecosystem and produce great results.

Learn more about Growing MOR Nutrient Packs!


What Are The Benefits?

  • Reduces transplant shock in established plants

  • Retains water and nutrients for easy, season-long care

  • All Natural, no synthetic anything

  • Balanced nutrients boost plant growth in any season

  • BioChar creates a home for microorganisms and bacteria creating a year-long benefit

  • Easy application

  • Our Growing MOR Nutrient Pack enhances up to 95% of all plant species with mycorrhizal fungal inoculant

  • Makes your plants more disease resistant

  • The Nutrient Pack can fertilize multiple cubic yards of garden soil because it’s concentrated


What Are Mycorrhizal Fungi?

Plants and fungi have an ancient mutually beneficial relationship, but chemicals and disturbing the soil will wipe out the fungi. Growing MOR Nutrient Pack contains 7 varieties of mycorrhizae to restore that important plant-root connection. Photosynthesis allows the plant to feed the mycorrhizae sugars, which in turn allows the mycorrhizae to grow and pick up nutrients and moisture in your soil, sending them up to the plant. Mycorrhizae help your plants to be more disease and insect-resistant, tolerate high heat, and better hold nutrients and water in the root zone.

What Is Biochar?

Wood pieces are heated up at a high temperature without oxygen. The former living tissue turns to gas and is burned. The remaining hard “skeleton” of the cell walls is baked into biochar. Biochar is like an apartment complex, one that creates homes for nutrients, microorganisms, and water. Having an established environment in your soil helps organisms move in without having to create their own homes.

Why Add Locally Sourced Minerals?

No amount of organic material or organic fertilizer can make up for mineral deficiencies in the soil. If your soil is lacking in minerals that means your plants are missing minerals as well. Our regionally-sourced mineral is ground into a powder for immediate availability to the roots.

Why Add Organic Fertilizer?

Given the nature of how our compost is manufactured, it has not had the opportunity to develop naturally occurring or established nitrogen. We want to make sure we are giving your plants the best opportunity of being successful. This organic, slow-release, nitrogen-based fertilizer gives your plants the boost it needs.